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Version: 0.6



GreptimeDB supports the built-in Basic authentication scheme in HTTP API for SQL language and OpenTSDB protocol. To set up authentication, do the following:

  1. Encode your username and password using Base64 algorithm.
  2. Attach your encoded credentials to the HTTP request header using the format Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-credentials>.

Here's an example:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Basic Z3JlcHRpbWVfdXNlcjpncmVwdGltZV9wd2Q=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'sql=show tables' \
"code": 0,
"output": [
"records": {
"schema": {
"column_schemas": [
"name": "Tables",
"data_type": "String"
"rows": [
"execution_time_ms": 1
  • Z3JlcHRpbWVfdXNlcjpncmVwdGltZV9wd2Q= is greptime_user:greptime_pwd encoded using Base64. Remember to replace it with your own configured username and password and encode them using Base64.
  • The public in the URL is the name of your database, which is required with authorization.

InfluxDB uses its own authentication format, see InfluxDB for details.

Write data

Query data